Best Scales for Singing Free Mp3 Download

How to Sing Better and Improve Your Singing Faster


Free Vocal Grooming Scales for Mp3 Download to use for vocal warm upwardly exercises, vocal preparation exercises, riffs & runs exercises, and more than.

There are 15 Piano Vocal Scales for Each of vii Voice Types

Bass • Baritone • Baritenor • Tenor • Alto • Mezzo-Soprano • Soprano



I believe I have created the world's largest and free drove of piano vocal scales for singing scales exercises bachelor for mp3 download. Feel free to download every collection! More are added from time to time. Join my email list to receive more than.

Mp3 Vocal Scales are rarely provided to students by their voice coaches. Farther, scales provided within online singing courses are either "one size fits all", or there is one set of song scales for men and one set for women, making preparation impractical, inefficient and dangerous. Making matters worse, these singing scales frequently include a lot of talking and interruptions that, though useful for the first few days of practice, become a distraction over time when the pedagogy is no longer needed and only serves to distract and frustrate the pupil.

Bass (E2 to E4)

Baritone (G2 to G4)

Baritenor (Bb2 to Bb4)

Tenor (C3 to C5)

Alto (E3 to E5)

Mezzo-Soprano (G3 to G5)

Soprano (C4 to C6)

A beginning male educatee, for example, will probable start with an undeveloped vocal range, and volition brainstorm his song preparation past singing scales in the bass and baritone range. This is necessary for prophylactic as well as to build a solid foundation in vocal training technique before moving on to higher and more challenging ranges. Think, baritones and tenors have 90% of their notes in common. When the student is ready to train to sing higher notes, he tin begin to insert the appropriate piano vocal scales from the college vocal ranges into sections of his workout playlists. In our Phonation Building Strategies online singing course at Vocal Nebula, we divide singing exercises into three families,— Closed-Rima oris Variations (CMV's), Semi-Occluded Variations (SOV's) and Open-Mouth Variations (OMV's). We teach our students to explore higher notes first with CMV's, then SOV's, and finally with OMV's. The results are AMAZING. This progression provides both the fastest and safest way to strengthen and extend one's song range without strain. Hence, information technology'south common to discover vocal scales for dissimilar voice types mixed inside the same workout playlists.

Standard 5th
Major, upwards & down

Standard 9th
Major, up & down

Standard 5th
Minor, up & downwardly

Standard ninth
Minor, upwardly & down

Single sustained note

Standard Octave
Chromatic, upwardly & downward

Pentatonic twelfth
Major, up & down

Arpeggio Octave
Major, up & downward

Pentatonic 12th
Minor, up & downwards

Arpeggio Octave
Minor, upwardly & down


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Download the Scales You Need


E2 to E4


G2 to G4


Bb2 to Bb4


C3 to C5


E3 to E5


G3 to G5


C4 to C6

Beginning singing students require vocal scales customized to their training needs. The speed of the piano scales can't be too fast. The intervals tin can't exist as well large. The melodies must be simple. And, most chiefly, the range covered past the vocal scales must fall within the beginner's vocal range presently under evolution. This is for both rubber and effectiveness. When yous practice singing exercises with piano scales perfectly suited to your needs as a beginning singer, you will improve your singing faster. Every bit a result, you'll feel better and you will be more than likely to practice singing scales more than often. Remember that these free vocal scales by mp3 download do not come with instructions or narration. This isn't to deprive you of teaching! We provide many free singing lessons as well as paid singing courses here at Vocal Nebula that will teach you how to do singing exercises to these vocal scales. What we've provided are very advisedly designed scales without narration for the 90% of your singing exercises that require no pedagogy, simply dedication!

Copyright © 2016 Song Nebula and Joe Naab


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